by AAC | Aug 9, 2023 | Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine Research, General Wellbeing, Herbal Medicine, Massage, Moxibustion, Sport and Endurance
Mobility issues, hip and lower back pain As people age, mobility issues, hip pain and lower back pain become more common. For Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, this is an all too common reality. Conditions like osteoarthritis and previous injuries could contribute...
by AAC | Jun 26, 2013 | Chinese Medicine Research, Sport and Endurance
Home » Category: "Sport and Endurance" Acupuncture for Acute Low Back Pain More Effective Than Drugs ‘New research by Korean doctors of Oriental Medicine suggested that an acupuncture method could reduce acute lower back pain faster and more...
by AAC | Nov 30, 2012 | Acupuncture, Massage, Sport and Endurance
Acupuncture and sports injuries go hand in hand. Whether you are a professional fighter, like the Daimyo of Paul McLeod AAC (to the right of screen), or just a weekend warrior, chances are that you sometimes push your body to the extreme in an attempt to become a...